Lansweeper api helpdesk
Lansweeper api helpdesk

lansweeper api helpdesk

It also has customisable actions - on an assets page I can click to ping that asset/open putty/open the asset's webpage etc. The first thing is probably the layout - Lansweeper puts more information straight in front of you and is way easier on the eyes - too much white space in Solarwinds.įunctionally, Lansweeper gives far more information - for example for a network switch it will list each port and have a hyper link to the device that is being detected as being connected to that port, allowing you to click through to that asset. The asset discovery in Lansweeper is faaaar superior in Lansweeper than Solarwinds - though for the actual helpdesk the reverse is true.

lansweeper api helpdesk lansweeper api helpdesk

I have experience of both - more Lansweeper than Solarwinds to be fair.

Lansweeper api helpdesk